Tuesday, February 9, 2010

What if my memory fails ?

I bought a book, "An Education", by Lynn Barber, and I have just finished reading only the preface. The book is supposed to be a memoir. However, the author "confessed" in the preface that she has a bad memory. She consulted her diary to write about her teenage forty years later. She could not remember who she might have slept with at Oxford where she attended school, and her husband remembered that she had been to China once but she has forgotten it.

I do not foresee wanting to write about my teenage. Frankly, I have forgotten most of it as there just wasn't anything extraordinary. But what I read in that preface have me wondering. Should I keep an account of what I do, think, feel and see ? Although I lead a rather boring life, there are still little events some of the time which I want to remember. Looking at this blog, you can guess I hardly write about anything. Perhaps I should seriously consider keeping a diary. And also organize my photographs and tag them to the records in the diary. Or provide long description to the photographs that I take. Act so that I have something to refer to if and when I lose my memory.