Monday, January 4, 2010

Welcome 2010

No excitement for a new year. No resolutions, no goals, no habits I wish to kick, despite having the bad habits of dwelling in negative thoughts and procrastinating.

And procrastinate I did over whether to have a blog. I have no idea what I like to write and post here. I am not born to write, and I have no interesting tale to tell, and I don't want to talk about other people.

I should be contented that I have a job that pays enough, that I am physically healthy, and people I care about are fine. What else could I ask for ? I have to figure out what I want out of my life. There are many more new years to come.

No good news for the new year. Or the good news is that I have no shattering bad news. How do I bring more hope and more light to the world, and to myself ?

Happy New Year.

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