Saturday, March 10, 2012

Faith Healer

I'm not sure if four monologues can make an interesting play. Faith Healer is, I think, better for reading than for seeing on stage.
Did Frank forget that Grace gave birth to a stillborn ? How could he forget ? Because he was really too drunk then ?  Why did he forget, or not even want to acknowledged to himself that it has happened ? He chose not to be with Grace for the baby's birth in order to visit her mother, but in the end, he was slightly more than an hour too late to see his mother at her deathbed, which he did remember. 
Presumably Grace did not leave Frank to go to Paddington. She had said to Frank that she would die if she left him. So Frank must have left her. Why did Frank leave her ? How could Frank leave her when she would die if she was alone ? Or did he leave her when he was too drunk to know what he was doing ?
A very touching story on how everyone needs someone.  

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